Staff Splash: Meet Jason Langlois

Posted: Tuesday, January 3, 2023


Jason Langlois, operator, is committed to helping ensure a local, reliable source of water for our customers.

Q. What makes Mesa Water unique?
A: We are the only Orange County water provider to source 100% of our communityā€™s water needs with a local supply.

Q: What advice would you tell someone who is interested in getting into the water field?
A: There are many different avenues you can explore in this industry, you just have to find the right role that sparks your passion. I would start with a volunteer, internship, or temporary position in the industry. There are also workshops and classes that can help. Both of these will help you work towards state certifications, which are highly recommended in the water industry.

Q: What do you find the most rewarding about your role?
A: I would say that working in and around one of the planetā€™s most precious resources ā€“ water ā€“ is quite rewarding as an operator. Also, teaching some of our new staff faster, safer and more effective ways of tackling the jobs we perform on a daily basis.

Q: What is your favorite water-themed movie?
A: Jaws! I grew up watching it as a kid. My dad really enjoyed that movie, so thatā€™s probably why we watched it so much. Staff Splash is a recurring feature in News on Tap. Look forward to meeting more Mesa Water employees in future issues.