Mesa Water District is dedicated to satisfying our community’s water needs. Mesa Water’s strategic planning process is designed to provide clarity, direction, and focus for its water service and to ensure the agency is working toward a common goal.


Mission Statement

Mesa Water District, a local independent special district, manages its finances and water infrastructure, and advocates water policy, while reliably providing an abundance of clean, safe water to benefit the public’s quality of life.


To Be a Top Performing Water Agency

Strategic Goals

  1. Provide an abundant, local, reliable and safe water supply.
  2. Perpetually renew and improve our infrastructure.
  3. Be financially responsible and transparent.
  4. Increase favorable opinion of Mesa Water.
  5. Attract, develop and retain skilled employees.
  6. Provide excellent customer service.
  7. Actively participate in regional and statewide water issues.

Core Values

  • Health and Safety of the Public and Our Staff
  • Excellence
  • Philosophy of Abundance
  • Perpetual Agency Philosophy

Strategic Goals

Strategic Goal #1 - Water Supply and Reliability

Provide an abundant, local, reliable and safe water supply.

Objective A: Continue to meet and surpass water quality standards.

  • Update the District’s triannual in-home Sampling Plan for compliance under the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements by December 2024
  • Evaluate effectiveness of free chlorine conversion by November 2024

Objective B: Maintain and protect a high-quality water supply.

  • Submit final findings to DDW for the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions by October 2024

Objective C: Continue to ensure a reliable and abundant supply of water.

  • Complete the Local groundwater Supply Improvement Project (Local SIP) feasibility study by June 2025

Objective D: Ensure emergency operations.

  • Construct emergency backup power at the District’s Headquarters and Reservoir 1 by March 2026
Strategic Goal #2 - Water Infrastructure

Perpetually renew and improve our infrastructure.

Objective A: Manage water infrastructure assets to assure reliability.

  • Complete construction on Reservoir 2’s Reservoir Management System by March 20205
  • Create and memorialize a capital valve replacement process from valve discovery to updating assets in GIS by February 2025

Objective B: Efficiently manage our water system.

  • Submit a plan to implement Mesa Water’s Mobile Work Order Functionality by June 2025
  • Select a Program Manager and develop a Request for Proposal for a new Plan Check system by June 2025
  • Complete a study to evaluate supplying local groundwater to the City of Huntington Beach by March 2025
  • Implement an updated water supply and demand optimization model by October 2024

Objective C: Plan future projects based on data-driven and life-cycle cost decisions.

  • Update the Water System Master Plan including an Asset Management Plan by June 2025

Objective DImprove Mesa Water’s information technology infrastructure assets to assure reliability and security.

  • Implement improved meter reading software and hardware by June 2025
Strategic Goal #3 - Financial Responsibility and Transparency

Be financially responsible and transparent.

Objective A: Maintain AAA financial goals and meet the appropriate designated fund level goals.

  • Create an Investment Policy Statement by September 2024
  • Review of Financial Service Processes and Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures by April 2025

Objective B: Maintain competitive rates and efficiency in per capita expenditures.

Objective C: Fund the Board’s and District’s priorities.

  • Define a 10-15 year financial strategic plan by September 2024
  • Prepare a 10-15 year financial strategic plan by June 2025
  • Conduct Federal Earmarks advocacy in 2024 for Mesa Water’s priority projects—the “Cohort Pipe”, "Mainline Valve”, and “Cybersecurity by December 2024
  • Implement a robust strategy to aggressively pursue grants and low-interest loan funding for Mesa Water’s Capital Improvements and priority projects by June 2025

Objective D: Encompass Financial Responsibility and Transparency.

  • Implement an Electronic Content Management System by January 2025
  • Standardize contracts and create a procurement matrix by November 2024
  • Fully complete Resolution No. 1591 by delivering seven audits and one department assessment, and including the results in the review of the General Manager by November 2024
  • Select a professional consultant to conduct a business process assessment of Administrative Services and Human Resources by March 2025
  • Complete a business process assessment of Administrative Services and Human Resources, and deliver the report to the General Manager by June 2026
Strategic Goal #4 - Water Awareness

Increase favorable opinion of Mesa Water.

Objective A: Enhance Mesa Water’s visibility and positive recognition.

  • Implement Phase I of the “Detail the District” plan by June 2025
  • Reach new audiences by hosting Yo Amo Mesa Water and an industry (e.g., building owners, health and medical professionals) briefing/event

Objective B: Increase awareness of Mesa Water and water among key audiences.

  • Launch a school field trip program and community tours by September 2024
  • Host 50 field trips and tours at the Mesa Water Education Center by June 2025

Objective C: Increase customer knowledge about water-use efficiency and water-wise resources

  • Create Mesa Water-owned rebate programs by June 2025
  • Reinstitute home water audits by June 2025
Strategic Goal #5 - Human Resources

Attract, develop and retain skilled employees.

Objective A: Attract and retain a qualified, skilled, and capable workforce.

  • Complete a general salary increase survey of our benchmark agencies by June 2025
  • Assess competitiveness of Retiree Health Plan and explore changes by December 2024
  • Explore options for reconciling the disparity in retirement benefits between PEPRA and Classic plans by June 2025

Objective B: Develop employee skills.

  • Conduct an Elite Onboarding session by June 2025
  • Facilitate performance management training for managers and supervisors by September 2024

Objective C: Enhance employee engagement.

  • Administer an annual employee engagement pulse survey by January 2025
  • Administer the annual employee survey by June 2025

Objective D: Provide a safe working environment.

  • Implement an updated wellness program by June 2025

Objective E: Improve operational processes and workflow

  • Update recruitment and selection Standard Operating Procedures by September 2024
  • Create an HR Calendar of Events by February 2025
  • Conduct a Request for Proposal for a Human Resource Information System by November 2024
Strategic Goal #6 - Customer Service

Provide excellent customer service.

Objective A: Provide outstanding internal and external customer service in a timely, courteous, and effective manner.

Objective B: Enhance the customer experience.

  • Competitively select a new customer information system by September 2024
  • Implement a new customer information system by June 2025

Objective C: Measure success.

  • Competitively select a consultant to examine the metrics and measurement values of office Customer Service by September 2024
  • Evaluate the metrics and measurement values of the Elite Customer Service Standards by December 2024

Objective D: Continuous improvement and reinforcement.

Strategic Goal #7 - Policy Leadership

Actively participate in regional and statewide water issues.

Objective A: Accomplish the Board’s Policy Priorities.

  • Advocate during the 2024 state legislative session to support an appropriate water bond on the November 2024 ballot by November 2024
  • Support the 2024 ACWA-sponsored state assembly bill (AB 2599) to clean up enacted legislation from 2023 re. water shutoffs due to nonpayment and restitution authority by October 2024
  • Re-engage the Buried Utilities Coalition (BUC) to advocate on priority air quality regulations of high impact to Mesa Water (CARB ACF, SCAQMD PR 1110.4) by December 2024

Objective BPositively influence water policy and other priority policy issues.

  • Influence 2024 legislation (SB 1110, SB 1330) regulations for CA water use efficiency to be economically viable, environmentally appropriate, and feasible by October 2024
  • Advocate during the 2024 state legislative session to amend or oppose “Impact Fee” bills with concerning requirements re. connection fees and capacity charges (AB 1820, SB 937, SB 1210) by October 2024

Objective C: Optimize governmental efficiencies affecting Mesa Water.

  • Apply for award(s) -- as offered (ACWA ACE) -- for Mesa Water’s Business Improvement Process efforts by December 2024
  • Explore ways to improve internal efficiencies for FY 2025 Water Policy processes involving all departments at Mesa Water by June 2025

Objective DFacilitate Mesa Water’s impactful participation with water, government, utility and non-governmental organizations.

  • Support MET Chair Adan Ortega’s re-election in 2024 for a second two-year term by December 2024

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