Reservoirs Upgrade Underway to Increase Water Storage

Posted: Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Work is underway to enhance two Mesa Water District (Mesa Water®) reservoirs. The upgrades include implementing a reservoir chemical management system that will allow us to store up to 15 million gallons more water, helping to manage peak demands. It also includes updating pump stations to improve Mesa Water’s distribution system. These significant upgrades, expected to be completed in Fall 2025, will increase the reliability of our operations.

Mesa Water continually invests in maintenance of its infrastructure and water supply projects to deliver nearly five billion gallons of local, clean, safe drinking water to residential and business customers each year.
A water system requires regular wide-ranging maintenance to help achieve its designed lifespan. Our maintenance program is one of the ways that we are able to protect customers from rate volatility because maintaining infrastructure is less costly than emergency repairs.

Did You Know?

Proposition 218 of the California Constitution states that a water agency can only charge for the cost to procure, treat, and deliver the water to the customer – and the amount of water delivered to the customer is documented at the customer’s water meter.